Countless SEO professionals rely heavily on keyword research tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, often dismissing keywords with no search volume. Why? They believe that their potential customers aren't using these terms in their searches.

However, this common misconception can lead to missed opportunities for quality traffic.

abby zero volume keyword analyses

But is that the whole story? Could these zero-volume keywords, seemingly devoid of search traffic, actually be a treasure trove of SEO potential?

Could they be the game-changers that revolutionize our understanding of search behavior and strategy?

think outside the box with zero volume keywords.

In this blog post, we delve into the intriguing world of zero-volume keywords. We'll explore what they are, why they matter, and how they can potentially play a crucial role in your SEO strategy.

Blog post summary for not having +10min time

Google keyword data share
  • Zero volume keywords are search terms that show no search volume in keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush or any other keyword research tool.
  • Despite showing no volume, these keywords can still drive significant traffic to a website.
  • Keyword research tools don't capture every search query and can sometimes overlook less common, long-tail keywords.
  • Zero volume keywords can often be less competitive and highly specific, attracting a more engaged and likely to-convert the audience.
  • Industry knowledge is crucial in finding zero-volume keywords that may not show up in keyword research tools.
  • Google's features like autocomplete and 'people also ask' can be useful in finding zero volume keywords.
  • Data-driven decisions are important in SEO; tools like Google Search Console can help identify zero-volume keywords that are already driving traffic.
  • High-quality content should be created around zero-volume keywords to attract and engage the audience.
  • Customer support teams and one-on-one interviews with customers can help uncover zero-volume keywords.
  • Internal site data, like Google Analytics or the website's search function, can provide valuable insights into zero-volume keywords.
  • Zero volume keywords can help a website stand out in the crowded online space and drive more conversions.

What are zero volume keywords?

Let's start by demystifying what zero-volume keywords actually are.

In the simplest terms, Zero volume keywords are search terms that show no search volume in keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or any other keyword research tool.

Here is an example from our company popupsmart, we targeted zero volume keyword "php popup" and ahrefs show that there is not volume
HOWEVER, as you can see below there are 185 impression and 56 clicks.

We are targeting lots of zero volume keywords like that generates +10K traffic for us and also high quality lead data.

it's crucial to remember that these tools, while valuable, are not infallible. They don't capture every single search query that users input into search engines because search engines does not share all keyword data with them. So, when we talk about zero volume keywords, we're really talking about keywords that these tools don't register any volume for, not necessarily keywords that no one ever searches for.

Importance of Zero Volume Keywords in SEO Strategy

You might be wondering, "If these keywords supposedly have no search volume, why should I care about them?" That's a valid question. The answer lies in the potential that these keywords hold.

zero volume keywords 100 monthly impression image

Just because a keyword research tool doesn't register any volume for a particular search term doesn't mean that the term is useless. On the contrary, these zero-volume keywords can often be less competitive, making it easier for your content to rank for them. Plus, they can be highly relevant and specific, which means that while they might attract fewer visitors, those visitors could be more engaged and more likely to convert. I also suggest ahrefs' blog post "Should You Target Zero-Volume Keywords? It Depends"

8 Ways of Finding Zero Volume Keywords

Regarding finding zero volume keywords, industry knowledge is your best friend. It is crucial to understand your audience, their needs, their language, and their search behavior. This knowledge can help you predict what they might be searching for, even if those terms aren't in keyword research tools.

For example, if you're in the tech industry, you might know that people often search for specific error codes. These codes might not show up in keyword research tools, but if you create content around them, you could attract a highly targeted audience. I wrote a content stating that I achieved 150k monthly traffic by writing AI-supported content without any search volume regarding error codes.

1) Use of Google Autocomplete and Conjure Up New Ideas 

Useful method for finding zero volume keywords is to use Google's own features: autocomplete and 'people also ask'.

Gogle auto complete

When you start typing a query into Google, it will suggest completions based on what other people have searched for. These suggestions can often include long-tail keywords that don't show up in keyword research tools.

Similarly, the 'people also ask' feature shows questions that people often ask related to your query. These questions can also be a great source of zero-volume keywords.

2) Search console & Google Ads keyword planner has always more keyword ideas.

While intuition and industry knowledge are important, it's also crucial to base your decisions on data. This is where tools like Google Search Console come in.

zero volume keyword export and low volume impression example
Google Search Console shows you what terms are already driving traffic to your site. By analyzing this data, you can often find zero-volume keywords that you might have overlooked.

For instance, you might find that a certain term is driving a lot of traffic to one of your pages even though it shows zero volume in keyword research tools. This could be a sign that you should create more content around this term.

Finding zero volume keywords requires a mix of industry knowledge, use of Google's features, and data analysis. By combining these methods, you can uncover hidden gems that can drive traffic and conversions to your site.

3) Talk to your sales and customer service teams

A key strategy in uncovering zero volume keywords lies within your own organization - specifically, your sales and customer service teams. These teams interact directly with your customers and prospects, providing them with a wealth of knowledge about common questions, issues, and concerns related to your product or service.

popupsmart team for talking sales and customer service
popupsmart crew

Aleksandra Zarzycka, an SEO specialist at TourRadar, emphasizes the value of this internal knowledge. She notes,

By engaging with your teams, you can identify gaps in your website's information and generate keyword ideas for your content marketing strategy. This could involve attending sales calls and events to gather real-time information.

Alternatively, you can review emails and live chat logs to understand the questions your potential and existing customers ask, including the language they use to describe their needs.

4) Leverage trend analysis tools and industry insights

A powerful strategy to uncover popular topics that might not be visible through traditional keyword research is the use of trend analysis tools.

Platforms like Google Trends, Snapchat Trends, and Pinterest Trends can be instrumental in revealing themes and interests that hold SEO value.
celeste gonzalez quotation

5) Browse online forums and platforms frequented by your target audience.

Online communities are treasure troves of potential keywords waiting to be discovered. These platforms are filled with individuals asking questions and sharing insights about industries, brands, products, or services they're interested in. These conversations often encompass a broad spectrum of keyword opportunities.

discover communities to find out what asked your customers

To harness these keyword ideas, it's essential to identify online communities where discussions about your industry are taking place. There's a plethora of both generic and industry-specific communities where you can find your audience, including:

  • Online forums like OpenAI Community and various public and private Slack channels
  • Social media communities such as Facebook groups, Twitter polls, LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit, and YouTube

By investing time in these platforms, you can identify the topics and questions your audience is asking, uncovering a wealth of keyword ideas in the process.

6) Delve into research journals, surveys, and reports

The internet is a vast repository of information that can inspire topics yet to reach their full potential. This information can be found in new and trending articles on PubMed, "most read" or "most cited" articles at SAGE Journals, or industry research and reports at IBISworld or Statista.

organic food

7) Harnessing the Power of Language Learning Models like ChatGPT

Language Learning Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT can be a powerful ally in your quest to uncover zero volume keywords. These advanced AI models are designed to understand and generate human-like text, providing a unique perspective on how people phrase their queries and discussions.

LLMs like ChatGPT can generate a plethora of potential keywords when given the right context. By providing the model with a topic or industry-specific context, it can generate text that mirrors how people might phrase their online searches. This can lead to the discovery of potential zero volume keywords that might not show up in traditional keyword research tools.

Once you have a list of potential keywords generated by the LLM, the next step is to validate these keywords. This involves checking the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to see if these keywords are indeed being used in searches.

8) Don't rely on keyword tools... But here are some tools anyway!

We know, we know, we've been harping on about not relying solely on keyword tools for your SEO strategy. But let's face it, sometimes we all need a little nudge in the right direction, a spark of inspiration, or a friendly robot to do some of the heavy lifting.

So, while we stand by our advice to not get too hung up on search volumes and keywords from paid SEO tools, we also acknowledge that these tools can be pretty handy when you're in need of some keyword inspiration.

Answer the Public: (I am sharing the tool, but I hate Neil's head on the header of the homepage) This tool uses the same data as Google Autocomplete to generate hundreds of long-tail keyword variations. AnswerThePublic categorizes the keyword variations into different question types and displays them in a visual format, making it easy to integrate into a folder or presentation.

answer the public zero volume keyword example about small garden

AlsoAsked: This tool leverages Google's 'People Also Ask' questions to show you valuable question keywords that people are searching for. AlsoAsked presents the questions in a visually appealing tree-like diagram. It also allows you to geo-locate your search, which is useful if you're targeting specific cities or regions.

alsoasked keyword result for zero volume keywords

SEOmator: The Keyword Research is a powerful tool that leverages artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive keyword data. It is designed to help you discover related long-tail questions, offering a wealth of keyword inspiration. Similar to tools like Answer the Public and AlsoAsked, SEOmator uses data from Google to generate a multitude of keyword variations. However, it stands out with its AI assistant, which enhances the tool's efficiency and accuracy.

seomator keyword research tool for zero volume keywords

Tools like Google Search, Answer the Public, and AlsoAsked can be invaluable in your keyword research process. By validating your potential keywords and generating new ones, you can uncover unique zero volume keywords that can drive traffic and conversions to your site.

Should I Rely on Keyword Research Tools?

Image credit: Sofy Dubinska
Fuck no. They have mixed and inaccurate data versus Google Ads Keyword Planner. They all have some estimation so you should not rely on only these tools.

Given these limitations, it's crucial not to rely solely on keyword research tools when developing your SEO strategy. While they can provide a good starting point, they should be complemented with other methods.

For instance, it's important to use your industry knowledge and intuition. If you know your audience well, you can often predict what they might be searching for, even if those terms don't show up in keyword research tools.

Additionally, you can use other tools like Google Trends to identify emerging search terms, or Google Search Console to see what terms are already driving traffic to your site.

Limitations of Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools are essential to any SEO professional's toolkit. They provide valuable insights into search volumes, competition levels, and more. However, it's important to understand that these tools have their limitations. These tools have not whole keywords on Google Ads Keyword Planner. They can not get all the data; they only show related keywords when you ask for a keyword.

Firstly, these tools don't capture every single search query. They typically focus on the most popular terms and often overlook less common, long-tail keywords. This is why they may show a search volume of zero for certain keywords, even though people are actually searching for them.

Secondly, these tools can only provide estimates. They don't have access to Google's exact data, so they use various methods to estimate search volumes. This means that the search volumes they show can sometimes be off the mark.

Accuracy of Keyword Research Tools

keyword research accuracy

While keyword research tools are incredibly useful, it's important to take their data with a grain of salt. As mentioned earlier, they can only provide estimates of search volumes, and these estimates can sometimes be inaccurate.

This doesn't mean that these tools are useless - far from it. They can still provide valuable insights and help guide your SEO strategy. However, it's important to use them as one piece of the puzzle, rather than the sole source of information.

Creating content for zero volume keywords

ahrefs keyword types without zero volume keywords
Ahrefs Types of Keyword Credit

Once you've identified potential zero volume keywords, the next step is to create high-quality content around these terms. Remember, just because a keyword has low search volume doesn't mean it's not valuable. In fact, content that targets these less competitive keywords can often rank higher and attract a more engaged audience.

When creating content for zero volume keywords, focus on providing value to your audience. Answer their questions, solve their problems, and give them the information they're looking for.

This will not only help your content rank higher, but also increase the chances of your audience engaging with your content and converting.

Recap about your zero volume keyword strategy

In this blog post, we've explored the intriguing world of zero volume keywords. These are search terms that might not register on traditional keyword research tools, but can still drive meaningful traffic and conversions.

Key takeaways include:

  • Keyword research tools have limitations and may overlook less common, long-tail keywords.
  • Industry knowledge and data-driven decisions are crucial in finding and leveraging zero volume keywords.
  • Creating high-quality content around zero volume keywords can attract and engage the audience.

In the dynamic landscape of SEO, it's essential to stay adaptable and open to new strategies. Zero volume keywords present a unique opportunity in this regard.

Consider targeting zero volume keywords when:

  • You identify a trending topic that you believe will gain traction. Even if there's no reported search volume yet, being the first to cover a topic can give you a significant advantage.
  • You come across a topic with high conversion potential. Even if the search volume is low, a few visits from these keywords can be extremely valuable if they lead to conversions.

In conclusion, don't let the lack of reported search volume deter you from exploring the potential of zero volume keywords. These hidden gems can help you stand out from the crowd, attract a highly engaged audience, and drive significant results. So, why not venture off the beaten path and explore the untapped potential of zero volume keywords? The rewards could be well worth the journey.

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