Welcome to the ultimate tool for digital marketers, affiliate marketers, developers, and researchers—our Source Code Search Engine! Powered by GrowthMarketing.ai, this tool allows you to find any alphanumeric snippet, signature, or keyword in the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code of web pages across the internet.

Search Engine Features

Comprehensive Search Capabilities:

Search through any HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and plain text in web page source code.

Advanced Query Syntax:

Utilize powerful query syntax, including RegEx and ccTLDs, for more precise results.

Unparalleled Web Coverage:

Access data from over 472 million web pages, indexed as of August 31, 2024.

Rapid Search Results:

Get results in just a few seconds, with searches typically completed within moments.

Why Choose Our Source Code Search Engine?

Our tool stands out by enabling searches that regular search engines simply can’t handle. Whether you’re tracking down specific code snippets, identifying the use of certain technologies, or conducting competitive research, our search engine provides:

Specific HTML, JS, and CSS Queries:

Find references to StackOverflow questions, specific analytics IDs, server technologies, and more within HTML, CSS, and JS files.

Cross-Site Analysis:

Discover websites using the same themes, widgets, or advertising networks.

Code and Technology Insights:

Identify sites using specific JavaScript widgets, server versions, or libraries.

Key Benefits:

Massive Result Sets:

Receive up to 1,000,000 results per search request, sorted by website popularity.

API Access:

Integrate our data directly into your applications using our developer-friendly API.

Downloadable Data:

Export search results as CSV files for deeper analysis and reporting.

Free Access for Top Sites:

Access results from the top 1,000,000 websites for free, with more comprehensive results available upon registration.

Usage Examples:

• Find sites using popular frameworks or libraries: "angular.min.js", "bootstrap.min.js".

• Identify marketing tools or analytics scripts: "addthis_widget.js", "recaptcha/api.js".

• Discover advertising networks or server technologies: "X-Akamai-Transformed", "X-Powered-By".

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the Source Code Search Engine?

The Source Code Search Engine by GrowthMarketing.ai is a powerful tool that allows you to search for any alphanumeric snippet, signature, or keyword within the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code of web pages. It’s an invaluable resource for digital marketers, developers, and researchers looking to analyze web technologies, track competitors, or gather insights from web content.

2. How does the Source Code Search Engine differ from regular search engines?

Unlike traditional search engines that focus on visible content, our tool searches through the underlying code of web pages. This includes HTML, JS, CSS, and even plain text, enabling you to find specific snippets, analytics IDs, server headers, or references to libraries and frameworks that are typically not indexed by standard search engines.

3. What types of searches can I perform?

You can search for:

• Specific code snippets in HTML, JS, and CSS files.

• References to particular technologies or libraries.

• Sites using the same analytics or advertising IDs.

• Websites with shared themes, widgets, or server technologies.

4. Can I search using regular expressions (RegEx)?

Yes, our search engine supports RegEx, enabling you to perform more complex and precise searches. This feature allows you to search for patterns within the source code across millions of web pages.

5. How many web pages are indexed by the tool?

As of August 31, 2024, the Source Code Search Engine has indexed over 472 million web pages, providing you with a vast database for your research and analysis.

6. How long does it take to get search results?

Searches are typically completed within a few seconds. The time may vary depending on the complexity of your query and the number of results retrieved.

7. What is the maximum number of results I can get per search?

You can receive up to 1,000,000 results per search request, sorted by website popularity. This ensures you have access to the most relevant and widely-used sites.