The Company Domain Enrichment API is a powerful tool that provides detailed information about a company based on its domain name. By sending a GET request with the company's website as a parameter, the API returns a JSON object containing various details about the company. This includes the company's country of operation, founding year, industry, LinkedIn URL, locality, name, region, size, and website. This API is particularly useful for businesses seeking insights about other companies, such as competitors, partners, or potential clients.

Simple Request URL:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
    "country": "united states",
    "founded": 2019,
    "id": "BNb1yK2XmD7DRjS9RA0vIgl8VZkw",
    "industry": "information technology and services",
    "linkedin_url": "",
    "locality": "miami",
    "name": "popupsmart",
    "region": "florida",
    "size": "11-50",
    "website": ""


  1. What information does the Company Domain Enrichment API provide?
    The API provides details such as the company's country, founding year, industry, LinkedIn URL, locality, name, region, size, and website.
  2. How do I use the Company Domain Enrichment API?
    You can use the API by sending a GET request with the company's website as a parameter.
  3. What format does the API return the information in?
    The API returns the information in a JSON format.
  4. Do I need to provide any headers when making a request?
    Yes, you need to include 'accept: application/json' in your request headers.
  5. Can I use this API to gather information about any company?
    Yes, as long as you have the company's website, you can use this API to gather information about the company.
  6. Is there a limit to the number of requests I can make?
    The API usage limit depends on the terms of service of the API provider. Please refer to their documentation for more details.
  7. Can I use this API to get information about my competitors?
    Yes, you can use this API to gather insights about your competitors, partners, or potential clients.